Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And so it begins...

I've been reading people's blogs for a while, and I mostly lurk. I hide and laugh (internally of course) and cry, and enjoy it so much. I am fascinated by people allowing others to take a peek into their lives. It amazes me. I may at one point be able to share as much as most do, but for now...This is me.

At the nudging of my friend, Adriann, and of my new Sister-In-Law, Allyssa, I will be documenting what is my battle with weight-loss, and the ultimate goal of having a child.

The weight-loss part of it came thanks to Adriann and her suggestion that we go to the gym together during lunch. It's been great. I had mentioned to her that I was way too stressed and that I really just needed to get rid of a lot of that extra energy I had. So we started in July. It's now September, and we're swimming about 4 times a week. We do 1/2 a mile, and it's great. Our bathing suits don't fit much anymore. This is Victory! So far, I've lost about 20lbs. This is HUGE for me. I can pack it on, but taking it off has never really worked. Working out and with the help of JT, my husband, the food situation is improving. We're eating healthy food. Hey, it can be tasty, who would have known?

The baby stuff....Hmmm. Well, we're trying. It's going to be an uphill battle, this I know. The Dr. said "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome", which is scary, but not untreatable. I'm hoping that with the weight loss will come the healthy ovaries.

I'm just tired of the "So, when are you guys having kids?" that I so frequently get. I know it's just a natural question, and they don't know what I've been struggling with, but I just want to come right out and say "Hey I have bum ovaries. It's not like we aren't trying. Believe you me, we do. I'm just a little defective!" But I'll usually say "Not yet" and I know you can see in my face that it kills me. It does.

This is my struggle.

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